Live. Love. Laugh.

Live. Love. Laugh.

Friday 16 March 2012

"Of Youth and Age"

Central argument: Sir Francis Bacon believes that it should be the youngsters who should get hired for jobs that help the society rather than the old people. I believe with him as every day as a new child is born, so is a new creative mind with powerful imaginations that overrules the ones that are already existing.

Youngsters today, are more daring and challenging than the older generations. The generation of today, know what's going on with the world on today's context and what would be the right measures to follow in order to come with a solution for it. They have newer desires building up amongst them and in most cases do not think twice about accepting their ideas as challenges. The youngsters have more energy compared to the old people to do everything possible and they are more enthusiastic too. When it comes to travelling to difficult places or adapting to different lifestyles, youngsters are much more into it. Taking more work than a normal person and loading themselves without over thinking is also what they do better.

As people grow old, they tend to become more fragile both physically and mentally. Many of them even fail to think outside the box and have a mental set. Their narrow ways of thinking will not help the people or the world to go any further in life. People who are old have seen a lot that has been going on in the world, this leaves their mind corrupted unlike the young and fresh ones. The will make decisions based on what they think is right and not what is actually right.
I remember my mother taking interviews for a few positions in an U.S. Aid organization that she used to work in. There was this post where a lot of designing took place, and according to my mother it was a lot of hard work and effort. When she was done with the interview she chose 4 people who were in their early 20s and when I asked her why she took only the young ones who didn't even have much experience she replied by saying that these young and creative minds are the ones who will model our future and that they would take more challenges than any other aged person.

Come to think of it, I completely agree with my mother. Before coming to Woodstock I met an alumni who had passed out about 7 years ago and is in her early20s. When I asked her what she does, she told me that she is doing journalism in Afghanistan. When she said this I was really impressed; working in a strict and chaotic country like Afghanistan for a Hindu woman is not easy and still she was motivated to do so. If it was someone elderly, they would probably think a million times before deciding (in most cases not) to go to unlike the young girl. As I mentioned earlier, older people tend to over think which stops them from doing a lot of things.

There is a whole different world to discover, create and enjoy. However, this is a job that is done more easily by the youngsters, for like Bacon said, " young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams."

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